Source code for revenge.plugins.decompiler.decompiled

from ... import common
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import CLexer
from pygments.formatters import Terminal256Formatter
import colorama
from revenge.exceptions import *
from import Iterable


[docs]class DecompiledItem(object): def __init__(self, process, file_name=None, address=None, src=None, highlight=None): """A single decompiled item. Args: file_name (str, optional): The file for which this decompiled item describes address (int, optional): Address for this item src (str, optional): Decompiled source highlight (str, optional): Color to highlight this item """ self._process = process self._file_name = file_name self.address = address self.src = src self.highlight = highlight def __repr__(self): attrs = ["DecompiledItem"] if self.address is not None: attrs.append(hex(self.address)) if self.src is not None: attrs.append(self.src.decode('latin-1')) return "<" + " ".join(attrs) + ">" def __str__(self): s = "" # Are we on the first line of this decompiled output? first = True if self.src is not None: src = self.src.decode('latin-1') for line in src.split("\n"): if first: # Can't do adjustments since we don't know the name if self._file_name is None: saddr = "{:18s}".format(hex(self.address)) else: # Adjust offset to make sense with our current binary saddr = "{:18s}".format(hex(self._process.memory[self._file_name.decode('latin-1') + ":" + hex(self.address)].address)) if self.highlight is not None: s += getattr(colorama.Back, self.highlight) + saddr + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + "| " else: s += saddr + "| " s += highlight(line, CLexer(), Terminal256Formatter(style='monokai')).strip() + "\n" first = False else: saddr = " "*18 if self.highlight is not None: s += getattr(colorama.Back, self.highlight) + saddr + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + "| " else: s += saddr + "| " s += highlight(line, CLexer(), Terminal256Formatter(style='monokai')).strip() + "\n" return s.strip() @property def highlight(self): """str: Color to highlight this instruction (or None). Valid options are: {} """ return self.__highlight @highlight.setter @common.validate_argument_types(highlight=(str, type(None))) def highlight(self, highlight): if highlight is not None: highlight = highlight.upper() if highlight not in BG_COLOR_OPTIONS: raise RevengeInvalidArgumentType("Highlight select not in " + str(BG_COLOR_OPTIONS)) self.__highlight = highlight @property def src(self): """str: Pseudo source for this instruction.""" return self.__src @src.setter @common.validate_argument_types(src=(str, bytes, type(None))) def src(self, src): if src is None: self.__src = None else: self.__src = common.auto_bytes(src) @property def address(self): """int: Address of this decompiled instruction.""" return self.__address @address.setter @common.validate_argument_types(address=(int, type(None))) def address(self, address): self.__address = address @property def _file_name(self): try: return self.__file_name except AttributeError: return None @_file_name.setter def _file_name(self, file_name): if file_name is None: self.__file_name = None else: self.__file_name = common.auto_bytes(file_name)
[docs]class Decompiled(object): def __init__(self, process, file_name=None): """Represents decompiled output. Args: file_name (str): Name of this binary. Examples: .. code-block:: python # Decompiled instruction at 123 dec = process.decompiler[0x123] # dec is type Decompiled # Get the C source dec[0x123] # Print the decompiled things print(dec) # Same concept with functions dec = process.decompiler["my_func"] print(dec) """ self._process = process # Name for this binary self._file_name = file_name # instruction: DecompiledItem self._decompiled = collections.defaultdict(lambda: DecompiledItem(self._process, file_name=self._file_name)) # Code that didn't end up assigned to an address at the end of the function self._footer = None self._header = None
[docs] def highlight(self, thing, color=None): """Highlight everything in thing with color. Args: thing (int, list, tuple, trace): Addresses of things to highlight color (str, optional): Color to use (see DecopmiledItem.highlight) default: green Examples: .. code-block:: python # Create a timeless trace timeless = process.techniques.NativeTimelessTracer() timeless.apply() t = list(timeless)[0] # Decompile your function, this can be done at any time decomp = process.decompiler.decompile_function(0x12345) # Let your program run to grab the trace process.memory[process.entrypoint].breakpoint = False # Apply the trace to your decomp decomp.highlight(t) # You can keep the same decomp and apply traces from different timeless runs as well # For instance, if you had a second trace called t2, this would overlay that trace decomp.highlight(t2) The things to highlight here must be valid in the current instance of revenge. This means, if your binary has ASLR, these must be the CURRENT addresses, with ASLR applied. Highlight will adjust the locations as needed. """ if color is None: color = "green" if isinstance(thing, int): thing = [int(thing)] elif isinstance(thing, str): thing = [self._process.memory[thing].address] if not isinstance(thing, Iterable): raise RevengeInvalidArgumentType("Invalid type for thing in highlight.") for x in thing: if not isinstance(x, int): if hasattr(x, "ip"): x = x.ip elif hasattr(x, "context"): x = x.context.ip else: raise RevengeInvalidArgumentType("Invalid type for thing in highlight.") # x should be int now out = self._process.modules.lookup_offset(x) # If we can't find the map, ignore it if out is None: continue mod, off = out # Mismatch between name of decomp bin and this item if self._file_name is not None and mod.lower() != self._file_name.lower(): continue # Finally, if the item exits, color it up! if off in self: self[off].highlight = color
@common.validate_argument_types(item=int) def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, int): return self._decompiled[item] @common.validate_argument_types(item=int, value=DecompiledItem) def __setitem__(self, item, value): self._decompiled[item] = value def __iter__(self): #return sorted(self._decompiled.keys()).__iter__() return self._decompiled.__iter__() def __len__(self): return len(self._decompiled) def __repr__(self): if len(self) == 1: addr = "address" else: addr = "addresses" return "<Decompiled Output " + str(len(self)) + " " + addr + ">" def __str__(self): out = "" if self._header is not None: for line in self._header.split("\n"): out += "\n" + " "*18 + "| " + highlight(line, CLexer(), Terminal256Formatter(style='monokai')).strip() out += "\n" out += "\n".join(str(self[item]) for item in self) if self._footer is not None: for line in self._footer.split("\n"): out += "\n" + " "*18 + "| " + highlight(line, CLexer(), Terminal256Formatter(style='monokai')).strip() return out.rstrip()
import collections DecompiledItem.highlight.__doc__ = DecompiledItem.highlight.__doc__.format(BG_COLOR_OPTIONS)