Source code for revenge.plugins.handles.handle

import logging
from ... import common

[docs]class Handle(object): def __init__(self, process, handle, name=None): """Describes a handle. Args: process (revenge.Process): Corresponding process. handle (int): The handle identifier. name (str, optional): File backing this handle. Examples: .. code-block:: handle = process.handles[4] # What file/pipe/thing is this a handle to? print( # Read 32 bytes from the beginning of the handle stuff =, 0) # Read 16 bytes from the current pointer stuff = # Write something to the handle handle.write(b"something") # Write something to the handle at offset 4 handle.write(b"something", 4) # Check the read/write ability on this handle handle.readable handle.writable """ self._process = process self.handle = handle = name self.__position = None def __repr__(self): attrs = ["Handle", hex(self.handle)] if attrs.append( rw = "" if self.readable: rw += "r" if self.writable: rw += "w" if rw != "": attrs.append(rw) if self.position is not None: attrs.append("pos:" + str(self.position)) return "<" + " ".join(attrs) + ">"
[docs] @common.validate_argument_types(n=int, position=(int, type(None))) def read(self, n, position=None): """Reads n bytes, optionally from a given position. Args: n (int): How many bytes to read? position (int, optional): Where to read from? Absolute. Returns: bytes: Data read from fd or None if there was an error When given position argument, this call will return the fd to it's original position after reading. """ if self._process.device.platform == "linux": return linux.read_handle(self._process, self.handle, n, position) else: LOGGER.error("No support yet for platform " + self._process.device.platform)
[docs] @common.validate_argument_types(thing=(str, bytes), position=(int, type(None))) def write(self, thing, position=None): """Writes thing into the handle, optionally from a given position. Args: thing (str, bytes): What to write position (int, optional): Where to write from? Absolute. Returns: int: Number of bytes written. """ if self._process.device.platform == "linux": return linux.write_handle(self._process, self.handle, thing, position) else: LOGGER.error("No support yet for platform " + self._process.device.platform)
@property def handle(self): """int: The actual handle identifier. This is what the OS uses to identify the handle.""" return self.__handle @handle.setter @common.validate_argument_types(handle=int) def handle(self, handle): self.__handle = handle @property def name(self): """str: Name or path to file backing this handle.""" return self.__name @name.setter def name(self, name): self.__name = name @property def readable(self): """bool: Is this handle readable?""" if self._process.device.platform == "linux": return linux.handle_is_readable(self._process, self.handle) else: LOGGER.error("No support yet for platform " + self._process.device.platform) @readable.setter @common.validate_argument_types(readable=bool) def readable(self, readable): if self._process.device.platform == "linux": LOGGER.error("POSIX does not support changing read/write permissions on existing file descriptors.") else: LOGGER.error("No support yet for platform " + self._process.device.platform) @property def writable(self): """bool: Is this handle writable?""" if self._process.device.platform == "linux": return linux.handle_is_writable(self._process, self.handle) else: LOGGER.error("No support yet for platform " + self._process.device.platform) @writable.setter @common.validate_argument_types(writable=bool) def writable(self, writable): if self._process.device.platform == "linux": LOGGER.error("POSIX does not support changing read/write permissions on existing file descriptors.") else: LOGGER.error("No support yet for platform " + self._process.device.platform) @property def position(self): """int: Current position in this handle.""" if self._process.device.platform == "linux": return linux.handle_position(self._process, self.handle) else: LOGGER.error("No support yet for platform " + self._process.device.platform) @position.setter @common.validate_argument_types(position=int) def position(self, position): if self._process.device.platform == "linux": return linux.set_handle_position(self._process, self.handle, position) else: LOGGER.error("No support yet for platform " + self._process.device.platform)
from . import linux from ...exceptions import * LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) Handle.__doc__ = Handle.__init__.__doc__