Source code for revenge.techniques.native_timeless_tracer.timeless_trace

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from termcolor import cprint, colored
from prettytable import PrettyTable

[docs]class NativeTimelessTrace(object): def __init__(self, process, thread): """Container for NativeTimelessTrace items Args: process (revenge.process.Process): Active process object. thread (int): Thread ID for this trace or Thread object """ self._process = process self._thread = self._process.threads[thread] self._trace = [] # List of actual trace items self._script = None
[docs] def start(self): """Start tracing.""" s = "timeless_trace({})".format( self._process.engine.run_script_generic(s, raw=True, include_js=("dispose.js", "send_batch.js", "stalk.js", "telescope.js", "timeless.js"), unload=False, on_message=self._parse_items_cb, runtime='v8' ) self._script = self._process.engine._scripts.pop(0) self._process.techniques._active_stalks[] = self
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop tracing.""" if self._script is not None: self._script[0].exports.unfollow() # As with NativeInstructionTracer, the script unload always causes a process crash for some reason # TODO: Figure out why the f that happens #self._script[0].unload() self._process.techniques._active_stalks.pop( self._script = None
[docs] def wait_for(self, address): """Don't return until the given address is hit in the trace.""" address = self._process.memory[address].address # TODO: Optimize this so I don't keep checking the same IPs over and over while True: try: return next(x for x in self if int(x.context.pc) == address) except StopIteration: continue
def __str__(self): table = PrettyTable(["inst"]) table.border = False table.header = False table.align = 'l' for item in self: table.add_row([" "*item.depth + str(]) return str(table) def __len__(self): return len(self._trace) def __repr__(self): l = len(self) return "<NativeTimelessTrace {} {}>".format( l, "item" if l == 1 else "items" ) def __iter__(self): return self._trace.__iter__() def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, int): return self._trace.__getitem__(item) if isinstance(item, slice): ret = NativeTimelessTrace(self._process, self._thread) ret._trace = self._trace[item] return ret raise Exception("Unhandled getitem type of {}".format(type(item))) def __len__(self): return len(self._trace) def _parse_items_cb(self, items, data): """Parse incoming trace items. Args: items (list): List of dicts. This method will be called directly as a callback from the js. """ if items["type"] == "error": logger.error("_parse_items_cb error: " + items["description"]) else: for item in items["payload"]: # Previous item used for diff generation previous_item = self._trace[-1] if self._trace != [] else None self._trace.append(NativeTimelessTraceItem.from_snapshot(self._process, item, previous=previous_item))
from pprint import pprint from .timeless_trace_item import NativeTimelessTraceItem