Native Types

class revenge.types.Basic[source]

Bases: revenge.types.BasicBasic

property js

String that can be fed into js.

class revenge.types.BasicBasic[source]

Bases: object

property memory

Instantiate this type to an active memory location for getting and setting.


struct = types.Struct()
struct.add_member('my_int', types.Int)
struct.add_member('my_pointer', types.Pointer)

struct.memory = 0x12345
# OR
struct.memory = 'a.out:symb'
# OR
struct.memory = process.memory[<whatever>]
class revenge.types.Char[source]

Bases: revenge.types.Int8

type = 'char'
class revenge.types.Double(x=0, /)[source]

Bases: revenge.types.Float

ctype = 'double'
sizeof = 8
type = 'double'
class revenge.types.Float(x=0, /)[source]

Bases: revenge.types.FloatBasic, float

ctype = 'float'
property js
sizeof = 4
type = 'float'
class revenge.types.FloatBasic[source]

Bases: object

class revenge.types.Int[source]

Bases: revenge.types.Int32

type = 'int'
class revenge.types.Int16[source]

Bases: revenge.types.Basic, int

ctype = 'short'
sizeof = 2
type = 'int16'
class revenge.types.Int32[source]

Bases: revenge.types.Basic, int

ctype = 'int'
sizeof = 4
type = 'int32'
class revenge.types.Int64[source]

Bases: revenge.types.Basic, int

ctype = 'long'
property js

String that can be fed into js.

sizeof = 8
type = 'int64'
class revenge.types.Int8[source]

Bases: revenge.types.Basic, int

ctype = 'char'
sizeof = 1
type = 'int8'
class revenge.types.Long[source]

Bases: revenge.types.Int64

type = 'long'
class revenge.types.Padding(size)[source]

Bases: revenge.types.BasicBasic

Defines the spacing between struct entries.


struct = types.Struct()
struct['one'] = types.Int8
struct['pad1'] = types.Padding(3)
struct['two'] = types.Int16
class revenge.types.Pointer[source]

Bases: revenge.types.UInt64

ctype = 'void *'
property js

String that can be fed into js.

property sizeof

int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer

Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments are given. If x is a number, return x.__int__(). For floating point numbers, this truncates towards zero.

If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string, bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the given base. The literal can be preceded by ‘+’ or ‘-‘ and be surrounded by whitespace. The base defaults to 10. Valid bases are 0 and 2-36. Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal. >>> int(‘0b100’, base=0) 4

type = 'pointer'
class revenge.types.Short[source]

Bases: revenge.types.Int16

type = 'short'
class revenge.types.StringUTF16[source]

Bases: revenge.types.BasicBasic, str

property js
property sizeof
type = 'utf16'
class revenge.types.StringUTF8[source]

Bases: revenge.types.BasicBasic, str

ctype = 'char *'
property js
property sizeof
type = 'utf8'
class revenge.types.Struct[source]

Bases: revenge.types.Pointer

Defines a C structure.


# Create a struct
my_struct = types.Struct()
my_struct.add_member('member_1', types.Int)
my_struct.add_member('pad1', types.Padding(1))
my_struct.add_member('member_2', types.Pointer)

# Alternatively, add them IN ORDER via dict setter
my_struct = types.Struct()
my_struct['member_1'] = types.Int
my_struct['member_2'] = types.Pointer

# Use cast to bind your struct to a location
my_struct = process.memory[0x12345].cast(my_struct)

# Or set memory property directly
my_struct.memory = process.memory[0x12345]

# Read out the values

# Write in some new values (this will auto-cast based on struct def)
my_struct['member_1'] = 12

# Allocate a struct and use it in a function call
my_struct = process.memory.alloc_struct(my_struct)
process.memory[<some function>](types.Pointer(my_struct))
add_member(name, value=None)[source]

Adds given member to the end of this current structure.

  • name (str) – Name of the Struct member

  • value (revenge.types.all_types) – Type and/or value for member.


s = revenge.types.Struct()
s.add_member('my_int', revenge.types.Int(12))

# Or, just the definition
s = revenge.types.Struct()
s.add_member('my_int', revenge.types.Int)
property members
property name
property sizeof

int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer

Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments are given. If x is a number, return x.__int__(). For floating point numbers, this truncates towards zero.

If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string, bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the given base. The literal can be preceded by ‘+’ or ‘-‘ and be surrounded by whitespace. The base defaults to 10. Valid bases are 0 and 2-36. Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal. >>> int(‘0b100’, base=0) 4

class revenge.types.Telescope(process, address=None, data=None)[source]

Bases: revenge.types.BasicBasic

property address

Address of this variable.



property description

String representational description of this telescope.



property memory_range

Information about the memory range this is in.

property next

Next step in the telescope.

property thing

Whatever this part of the telescope is.

class revenge.types.UChar[source]

Bases: revenge.types.UInt8

type = 'uchar'
class revenge.types.UInt[source]

Bases: revenge.types.UInt32

type = 'uint'
class revenge.types.UInt16[source]

Bases: revenge.types.Basic, int

ctype = 'unsigned short'
sizeof = 2
type = 'uint16'
class revenge.types.UInt32[source]

Bases: revenge.types.Basic, int

ctype = 'unsigned int'
sizeof = 4
type = 'uint32'
class revenge.types.UInt64[source]

Bases: revenge.types.Basic, int

ctype = 'unsigned long'
property js

String that can be fed into js.

sizeof = 8
type = 'uint64'
class revenge.types.UInt8[source]

Bases: revenge.types.Basic, int

ctype = 'unsigned char'
sizeof = 1
type = 'uint8'
class revenge.types.ULong[source]

Bases: revenge.types.UInt64

type = 'ulong'
class revenge.types.UShort[source]

Bases: revenge.types.UInt16

type = 'ushort'