Source code for revenge.techniques

from .. import Colorer
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import colorama

[docs]class Technique(object): """This is a base mix-in class. To implement a technique, you need to extend this class.""" TYPES = ("stalk", "replace") # This must be defined and must be one of TYPES TYPE = None def __init__(self, process): self._process = process
[docs] def apply(self, threads=None): """Applies this technique, optionally to the given threads.""" raise NotImplementedError("Apply MUST be implemented by the Technique.")
[docs] def remove(self): """Removes this technique.""" raise NotImplementedError("Remove MUST be implemented by the Technique.")
def _technique_code_range(self, range): """Called to inform Technique of known source (non-target binary) range. Args: range (revenge.memory.memory_range.MemoryRange): Object describing the range we expect to be ours. This is not required to be implemented. However, for stalking it may be beneficial to know when we have wandered into un-interesting (read: non-target) code. This can be called multiple times, with other MemoryRange objects. """ return
[docs]class Techniques(object): def __init__(self, process): self._process = process # What threads are actively being stalked? # TID: trace self._active_stalks = {} self._techniques = [] self._enumerate_techniques() def _enumerate_techniques(self): for (_, name, _) in pkgutil.iter_modules([Path(__file__).parent]): imported_module = import_module('.' + name, package=__name__) for i in dir(imported_module): attribute = getattr(imported_module, i) # Strict subclass if inspect.isclass(attribute) and issubclass(attribute, Technique) and attribute.__name__ != "Technique": self.append(attribute) setattr(self, attribute.__name__, partial(attribute, self._process)) getattr(self, attribute.__name__).__doc__ = attribute.__doc__
[docs] def append(self, item): self._techniques.append(item)
def __repr__(self): return "<Techniques {} loaded>".format(len(self)) def __len__(self): return len(self._techniques) def __iter__(self): return self._techniques.__iter__() @property def _techniques(self): """list: The actual list of techniques.""" return self.__techniques @_techniques.setter def _techniques(self, tech): self.__techniques = tech
import os from ..exceptions import * from importlib import import_module from pathlib import Path import pkgutil import inspect from functools import partial here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))