Source code for revenge.process

from . import Colorer
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import frida
import colorama

import os
import sys
from termcolor import cprint, colored
from prettytable import PrettyTable
import time

import atexit
import signal
import json
import pprint
import collections

import importlib
from . import common

here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

[docs]class Process(object): def __init__(self, target, resume=False, verbose=False, load_symbols=None, envp=None, engine=None): """Represents a process. Args: target (str, int, list): File name or pid to attach to. If target is a list, it will be set as argv. resume (bool, optional): Resume the binary if need be after loading? verbose (bool, optional): Enable verbose logging load_symbols (list, optional): Only load symbols from those modules in the list. Saves some startup time. Can use glob ('libc*') envp (dict, optional): Specify what you want the environment pointer list to look like. Defaults to whatever the current envp is. engine (revenge.engines.Engine): Instantiated Engine for this process Examples: .. code-block:: python3 # Kick off ls p = revenge.Process("/bin/ls") # Kick off ls for /tmp with custom environment p = revenge.Process(["/bin/ls","/tmp/"], envp={'var1':'thing1'}) # # Interaction # # Write to stdin p.stdin(b"hello\n") # Read from stdout p.stdout(16) # Read up to expected output in stdout p.stdout("expected") # Interact like a shell p.interactive() """ self.__engine = engine self.__file_name = None self.__file_type = None self.__entrypoint = None self._resume_addr = None self.__endianness = None self.__bits = None self._spawn_target = None self.verbose = verbose self._envp = envp = target self._registered_cleanup = [] if not isinstance(load_symbols, (list, type, type(None))): load_symbols = [load_symbols] self._load_symbols = load_symbols #self.memory = self.engine.memory.Memory(self) self.memory = self.engine.memory self.threads = Threads(self) self.modules = Modules(self) self.techniques = Techniques(self) atexit.register(self._at_exit) self.engine.start_session() self._register_plugins() # TODO: move this into frida engine # ELF binaries start up in ptrace, which causes some issues, shim at entrypoint so we can remove ptrace if self._spawned_pid is not None and self.file_type == 'ELF': # Set breakpoint at entry self.memory[self.entrypoint].breakpoint = True # Set breakpoints at exit calls for c in [':exit', ':_exit']: self.memory[c].breakpoint = True # Resume to remove ptrace self.engine.resume(self._spawned_pid) if self.device_platform == 'linux': try: str(self.threads) except IndexError: logger.error("Can't enumerate threads. Please check sysctl kernel.yama.ptrace_scope=0 or run as root.") # Resume file if need be if resume: # If we are using a resume variable if self.memory[self.entrypoint].breakpoint: self.memory[self.entrypoint].breakpoint = False else: self.engine.resume(self._spawned_pid) def _register_plugins(self): """Figures out which plugins to load and loads them.""" for plugin_name in dir(self.engine.plugins): if plugin_name.startswith("_"): continue plugin_mod = getattr(self.engine.plugins, plugin_name) for item, value in plugin_mod.__dict__.items(): if inspect.isclass(value) and issubclass(value, Plugin): # Instantiate the plugin plugin = value(self) if plugin._is_valid: setattr(self, item.lower(), plugin)
[docs] def quit(self): """Call to quit your session without exiting. Do NOT continue to use this object after. If you spawned the process, it will be killed. If you attached to the process, frida will be cleaned out, detatched, and the process should continue normally. """ for c in self._registered_cleanup: c() self._at_exit()
def _register_cleanup(self, c): self._registered_cleanup.append(c) def _at_exit(self): """Called to clean-up at exit.""" self.engine._at_exit()
[docs] def target_type(self, x): # Maybe it's PID try: return int(x) # Probably process name except: return x
[docs] @common.implement_in_engine() def stdout(self, n): """Read n bytes from stdout. Args: n (int, str, bytes): Number of bytes to read or string to expect. If no value is given, it's presumed you are trying to read all currently queued output. Returns: bytes: Output of stdout """ pass
[docs] @common.implement_in_engine() def stderr(self, n): """Read n bytes from stderr. Args: n (int, str, bytes): Number of bytes to read or string to expect. If no value is given, it's presumed you are trying to read all currently queued output. Returns: bytes: Output of stderr """ pass
[docs] @common.implement_in_engine() def stdin(self, thing): """Write thing to stdin. Args: thing (str, bytes): If str, it will be encoded as latin-1. Note: There's no newline auto appended. Remember to add one if you want it. """ pass
[docs] @common.implement_in_engine() def interactive(self): """Go interactive. Return back to your shell with ctrl-c.""" pass
def __repr__(self): attrs = ['Process', self.file_name + ":" + str(] return '<' + ' '.join(attrs) + '>' ############ # Property # ############ @property def argv(self): """list: argv for this process instantitation.""" return self.__argv @argv.setter @common.validate_argument_types(argv=(list, tuple)) def argv(self, argv): self.__argv = argv @property def device_platform(self): """Wrapper to discover the device's platform.""" self.device_platform = self.engine.run_script_generic(r"send(Process.platform)", raw=True, unload=True)[0][0] return self.__device_platform @device_platform.setter def device_platform(self, platform): self.__device_platform = platform @property def pid(self): return @property def entrypoint(self): """int: Returns the entrypoint for this running program.""" mod = self.modules[self.file_name] if self.__entrypoint is None: if self.file_type == 'ELF': self.__entrypoint = self.memory[mod.base+0x18].pointer if mod.elf.type_str == 'DYN': self.__entrypoint = self.__entrypoint + mod.base else: logger.warn('entrypoint not implemented for file of type {}'.format(self.file_type)) return None # TODO: Windows? # TODO: Mac? return self.__entrypoint @property def endianness(self): """Determine which endianness this binary is. (little, big)""" if self.__endianness != None: return self.__endianness if self.device_platform == 'windows': # TODO: Technically assumption, but like 99% of the time it's right. self.__endianness = 'little' elif self.file_type == 'ELF': endianness = self.engine.run_script_generic("""send(ptr(Number(Process.enumerateModulesSync()[0].base) + 5).readS8())""", raw=True, unload=True)[0][0] self.__endianness = 'little' if endianness == 1 else 'big' else: logger.warn("Unhandled endianness check for ({}, {}), assuming little".format(self.file_type, self.device_platform)) return self.__endianness @property def file_type(self): """Guesses the file type.""" # TODO: Android processes we attach to can't getModuleByName for their file name... # Maybe use "app_process64" instead... Or resolve the first module and go with that.. if isinstance(self.device, devices.AndroidDevice): return "ELF" # TODO: Update this with other formats. PE/COFF/MACHO/etc if self.__file_type is None: if self.engine.run_script_generic("""send('bytes', Process.getModuleByName('{}').base.readByteArray(4))""".format(self.file_name), raw=True, unload=True)[1][0] == b'\x7fELF': self.__file_type = 'ELF' elif self.engine.run_script_generic("""send('bytes', Process.getModuleByName('{}').base.readByteArray(2))""".format(self.file_name), raw=True, unload=True)[1][0] == b'MZ': self.__file_type = "PE" else: self.__file_type = 'Unknown' return self.__file_type @property def file_name(self): """str: The base file name.""" # TODO: This assumes the base module is always first... if self.__file_name is None: self.__file_name = self.engine.run_script_generic("""send(Process.enumerateModulesSync())""", raw=True, unload=True)[0][0][0]['name'] return self.__file_name @property def bits(self): """int: How many bits is the CPU?""" if self.__bits == None: self.__bits = self.engine.run_script_generic("""send(Process.pointerSize);""", raw=True, unload=True)[0][0] * 8 return self.__bits @property def arch(self): """str: What architecture? (x64, ia32, arm, others?)""" try: return self.__arch except: known_arch = ['x64', 'ia32', 'arm'] arch = self.engine.run_script_generic("""send(Process.arch);""", raw=True, unload=True)[0][0] if arch not in known_arch: raise Exception("Unknown arch returned from Frida: {}".format(arch)) self.__arch = arch return self.__arch @property def verbose(self): """bool: Output extra debugging information.""" return self.__verbose @verbose.setter def verbose(self, verbose): if verbose: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) #logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.__verbose = verbose @property def target(self): """str, int: Target for this session.""" return self.__target @target.setter def target(self, target): # target set will implicitly set argv if isinstance(target, (list, tuple)): self.argv = list(target) target = target[0] else: # Place holder until we resolve target self.argv = [target] # Check if this is a pid try: p = next(x for x in self.engine._frida_device.enumerate_processes() if == common.auto_int(target)) target = self.__file_name = self.argv[0] = except (StopIteration, ValueError): pass if isinstance(target, str): full_path = os.path.abspath(target) self.__file_name = os.path.basename(full_path) # If this string points to an actual file, we will launch it later if os.path.isfile(full_path): self._spawn_target = full_path self.__target = target @property def alive(self): """bool: Is this process still alive?""" try: next(True for x in self.engine._frida_device.enumerate_processes() if == return True except StopIteration: return False @property def device(self): """revenge.devices.BaseDevice: What device is this process associated with?""" return self.engine.device @property def BatchContext(self): """Returns a BatchContext class for this process. Example: .. code-block:: python3 with process.BatchContext() as context: something(context=context) """ return lambda *args, **kwargs: BatchContext(self, *args, **kwargs) @property def _envp(self): """dict: This holds the USER SPECIFIED environment variables. If you do not specify envp, this will be empty but your program will still have the default environment.""" return self.__envp @_envp.setter @common.validate_argument_types(envp=(dict, type(None))) def _envp(self, envp): self.__envp = envp @property def engine(self): """The current engine revenge is using.""" try: self.__engine._process except AttributeError: self.__engine._process = self return self.__engine
import inspect from . import types, config, devices from .memory import Memory from .threads import Threads from .modules import Modules from .contexts import BatchContext from .exceptions import * from .techniques import Techniques from .plugins import Plugin from .engines import Engine # Doc fixups Process.BatchContext.__doc__ += BatchContext.__init__.__doc__ Process.__doc__ = Process.__init__.__doc__ def sigint_handler(sig, frame): sys.exit() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) def main(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) global process process = Process() while True: time.sleep(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()