
The decompiler plugin is an abstraction around the concept of decompiling code. While it registers as a single plugin, the actual decompiler backend is flexible and can be extended with new decompilers. When revenge starts up, a decompiler will be selected from those that revenge can identify that you have on your system.

General Usage

Here’s a basic example. For more examples, see the code docs under Decompiler.

# Attempt to decompile an address
decomp = process.decompiler.decompile_address(0x1234)

# Attempt to decompile a function
decomp = process.decompiler.decompile_function(0x1234)

See notes for each decompiler engine about possible caveats.


Building A Decompiler

To build a decompiler engine (building the decompiler is WAY beyond this little documentation), you must extend the DecompilerBase class. The calls to decompile MUST return an instance of Decompiled, which in turn must have 0 or more populated DecompiledItem instances.

On initialization of your decompiler, if it’s valid for the current configuration, register it as an option with process.decompiler._register_decompiler.

The priority is mostly a way to select from multiple competing decompilers. The higher the number the higher priority.