Source code for revenge.cpu.contexts

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import colorama

[docs]class CPUContextBase(object): __slots__ = ['_process', 'pc', 'sp', '__changed_registers'] def __init__(self, process, diff=None, **registers): """Represents a CPU context. Args: diff (CPUContext, optional): Build this context as a diff from a previous context Example: CPUContext(process, rax=12, rbx=13, <etc>) """ self._process = process self.__changed_registers = [] if not isinstance(diff, (type(None), self.__class__)): raise RevengeInvalidArgumentType("diff must be either None or an instance of {}".format(self.__class__)) # Copy over old diff first if need be if diff is not None: for reg in self.REGS: setattr(self, reg, getattr(diff, reg)) # Generically set any registers we're given for key, val in registers.items(): if diff: self.changed_registers.append(key) # If dict, assume it's telescope for now if isinstance(val, dict): setattr(self, key, types.Telescope(self._process, data=val)) else: setattr(self, key, common.auto_int(val)) @property def changed_registers(self): """list: What registers were changed with this step?""" return self.__changed_registers def __getattr__(self, attr): return eval(self.REGS_ALL[attr]) def __str__(self): table = PrettyTable(["Register", "Value"]) table.align = 'l' for reg in self.REGS: # Highlight changed registers if reg in self.changed_registers: reg_colored = colorama.Fore.YELLOW + reg + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL else: reg_colored = reg thing = getattr(self, reg) if isinstance(thing, types.Telescope): table.add_row([reg_colored, thing.description]) else: table.add_row([reg_colored, hex(getattr(self, reg))]) return str(table) def __hash__(self): # Don't hash as a generator! return hash(tuple(getattr(self, reg) for reg in self.REGS))
[docs]class CPUContext(object): def __new__(klass, process, *args, **kwargs): """Represents a CPU for this running process.""" arch = process.arch if arch == "x64": return X64Context(process, *args, **kwargs) elif arch == "ia32": return X86Context(process, *args, **kwargs) elif arch == "arm": return ARMContext(process, *args, **kwargs) else: logger.error("Currently unsupported architecture of {}".format(arch))
from prettytable import PrettyTable from .x64 import X64Context from .x86 import X86Context from .arm import ARMContext from ... import types, common